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Entering Serbia and safe filming for productions
On May 19th 2020, The Serbian Government adopted the official protocol health & safety document and measures, based on the joint work of Serbian Film Commision, the Audio-visual Section of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Film Center Serbia in order to obtain safe filming for both foreign and domestic film productions during COVID-19 pandemic. The protocol is officially supported by Serbian Institute for Public Health “Batut”. This document is publicly available and it consists of 24 general recommendations as well as specific measures for different departments.
As of May 22nd 2020, crossing the Serbian border and entering the country doesn’t require a PCR test by foreigners anymore. Reopening Serbia is followed by direct flights from May 18th to the following destinations at this initial phase: London, Zurich, Frankfurt, Vienna and Minsk.
More info here.
We’re ready to continue safe filming for both foreign and domestic productions, because the show must go on!